GILYARD Medical and Oncology Massage
Adult and Pediatric Pain Management

Massage for Cancer Patients & Survivors

Oncology massage is a combination of manual techniques and bodywork modalities utilized by a therapist who has had specialized training working with cancer patients. The goal of massage is to support the body's efforts in the healing process by boosting immune function, strengthening compromised body systems, increasing circulation, and supporting psychological well-being. Oncology massage is generally safe for all stages of cancer including, initial diagnosis, active treatment, recovery/remission, and hospice care.

Massage in Cancer Hospitals

America's 10 leading cancer hospitals all have comprehensive inpatient/outpatient integrative wellness programs which include oncology massage. Physicians and medical professionals are recommending massage as a non-invasive alternative to manage the side effects of treatments and medications. According to the American Cancer Society's website (, studies suggest massage can decrease stress, anxiety, depression, pain, nausea, insomnia, and fatigue. Massage may improve neuropathy and lymphedema during active, recovery, and remission phases. To learn more about using medical massage as a complementary therapy, please read more here.

Massage Can Help Emotional Well Being

In addition to the many physical changes a person with cancer may experience; psychological changes such as loneliness, depression, and isolation can impede the body's own healing capability. Persons with cancer who are injected, palpated, and radiated on a regular schedule often begin to perceive touch as a negative experience. Cancer patients have an added burden of coping with body image issues such as mastectomy and hair loss. These experiences can create a decreased sense of awareness and a disconnection with family, friends, and caregivers. Patients feel they do not want to touch or be touched. They often lose their desire to play a positive role in their treatment. Oncology massage assists patients in restoring a positive sense of self and emotional well-being.

Massage for Cancer Survivors: Let Gilyard Be A Part of Your Healing Team

Gilyard Medical Massage would like to help you achieve a better quality of life on your journey to better health. Oncology massage can be very effective for cancer survivors when given by a properly trained therapist. Massage for cancer survivors also  requires a different level of touch due to the long term damaging effects of cancer treatment on the body's tissues.

Cancer survivors should not have aggressive massage treatments because of the increased potential for harming the body, dislodging breast implants, or triggering lymphedema. 

Our hope is to become an integral part of your health care team. Our promise is to deliver massage treatments in a safe, knowledgeable, patient, and compassionate manner. Click here to learn what type of massage you will receive.

Please talk with your physician or health care provider before undergoing any additional therapy. Contact us with any questions. Free consultations are available for patients and caregivers.

Other Helpful Links:

Clinician's Corner about Medical Massage and Cancer

Why Cancer Patients Don't Get Deep-Tissue Massages

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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